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Всього в наявності близько 20000 компаній та 150000 відгуків

Celenia Software

Сфера діяльності: Послуги: IT: консалтинг, розробка, впровадження, хостинг та ін.
Країна: Україна
Регіон роботи: Київ
Рейтинг компанії:
  • Рейтинг 3,60/5,0

Перегляди: 4006
Опис діяльності:
Celenia Software started its dynamic development in Ukraine in 2001 and with an office of 160 employees has shown a high rate of stability and success. Our company offers Partner Services and Add-on Products to independent software vendors and resellers within the area of Microsoft Dynamics AX|NAV|CRM. Our headquarters are based in Denmark (Aalborg), and we have representatives in the USA (Atlanta, Redmond) and Western Europe (London, Zurich). Mutual trust and an emphasis on the freedom as well as the responsibilities of each individual enable us to maintain a strong team spirit. We are always on the lookout for new competencies – software engineers and other highly qualified IT professionals in particular. Company’s Benefits: • Competitive salary level • Medical insurance, paid vacation (4 weeks), paid sick-leave • Microsoft Certification • Convenient office location (near metro Luk’yanivs’ka) • Lunch services • Short Fridays (till 3.00 p.m.) • Active participation in social clubs (football, movie club) Learn more about us www.celenia.com

Відгуки про компанію «Celenia Software» Усього: 2