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Компания "Skoch Skill"

Другие названия: Likhach Skoch Skill, Skoch Skill by Likhach Elena
Сфера деятельности: Услуги: Досуг и развлечения: клубы, гостиницы, кинотеатры, игорный бизнес
Страна: Украина
Регионы работы: Киев, Бахмач
Рейтинг компании:
  • Рейтинг 3,75/5,0

Просмотры: 356
Описание деятельности:
Elena Likhach (Skoch skill project) – organizer and director of the Skoch project Skil since 2017, the author of many paintings from adhesive tape. Adhesive Tape Art is globally recognized as Tape art and only a few authors are engaged in art in this direction, and Elena Aleksandrovna is one of them. The idea of creating pictures from scotch tape is not very well known in Russia, so the artist thoroughly undertook the introduction of modern technologies into the art of the country. Elena's first works brought her immense popularity among connoisseurs of the pop art style and prompted her to create her... »

Отзывы о компании «Компания "Skoch Skill"» Всего: 3

Фильтр по региону:   Все   Киев   Бахмач