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Sphere Consulting

Сфера деятельности: Услуги: IT: консалтинг, разработка, внедрение, хостинг и пр.
Эл. почта: [email protected]
Страна: Украина
Регионы работы: Киев, Харьков
Рейтинг компании:
  • Рейтинг 4,75/5,0

Просмотры: 6910
Описание деятельности:
Sphere Consulting provides custom application development (in Ruby on Rails,. NET, LAMP, Java and iPhone) and business intelligence solutions since 2005. We specialize in development of scalable web applications in Ruby on Rails,. NET, PHP and Java from scratch — and on to release. We’ve helped fast-growing US startups and corporations build applications of all imaginable types: from standard feature-rich e-commerce sites to a clinical trial management system, top100 Rails site, entertainment portals with load balancing for 3+M uniques and a high-traffic messaging system with ability to scale to support 2+M messages a day. Sphere operates four R& D centers: one in Chicago, and three offshore centers in Kiev, Kharkov, Ukraine and St. Petersburg, Russia.

Отзывы о компании «Sphere Consulting» Всего: 4

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